For anyone updating Magento security with the new patch SUPEE-6788, they may (and hopefully) have noticed that several of their blocks are now missing from their website.
Hopefully this doesn’t cause anyone too much panic because the developers at Cadence Labs have the quick and easy solution to fix static blocks.
Magento’s latest update has made it so that a website must now register the blocks they wish to allow on their sites. Magento automatically registers two blocks for you. In order to register your blocks go to the admin panel under sys->permissions->blocks and click “Add New Block” in the top right hand corner. This takes you to a “New Block” page where you enter cms/block as the block name and Yes for Is Allowed.
That’s it, you’re done!
sys->permissions->block page showing me as a blank page.
Could you please help me to fix this issue?
You’ll need to logout and log back into the admin – this is normal when “new” areas are added to the admin (the new area in this case being the permissions block)
After adding block, refreshing cache, log in and ut, blocks like featured products, brandname etc, are still missing.
Any idea?
So you’ll need to repeat this process for any block type that you’re interested in. For example:
{{block type="catalog/product_list" category_id="5"}}
You’ll need to make sure you’ve also added this to the allowed types in System -> Permissions -> Blocks