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Extending GraphQL Endpoints in Magento 2

GraphQL Is Here Magento 2.3 saw the introduction of the various GraphQL modules into the codebase. The long-term goal (according to Magento’s docs here) is to support most default functionality through GraphQL. We still have a ways to go, but there is...

Add Laravel Mix to 5.3 LTS (and older versions)

If you’re using a version of Laravel that doesn’t support Laravel Mix out of the box like 5.3 LTS, you’ll be unable to take advantage of Laravel’s new webpack-friendly frontend build tool. If you don’t want to upgrade your entire Laravel...

Magento 2 Deadlock Retry Module

Deadlock Issues If you have a Magento 2.x installation, you may from time-to-time encounter a MySQL “Deadlock.” A Deadlock occurs when 2 or more MySQL connections run transactions that prevent one-another from completing. When this happens, MySQL picks one...
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