by Sean Henry | Aug 1, 2023
Shopify Website Development for Gyeon USA Gyeon USA is an auto detailing company that produces it’s own line of high end auto care products. Their auto detailing store has a range of products from coatings to interior cleaning. Cadence worked with this client...
by Alan Barber | Aug 25, 2017
Redesign for Krayden From This… Krayden is a problem-solving distributor that specializes in adhesives, sealants, solder, and coatings, as well as various types of specialty chemicals and solvents. Their catalog has thousands of different SKUS from major...
by Alan Barber | Jun 14, 2017
Design + Website for Catalyst Transformations Catalyst Transformations + Cadence Labs We partnered with Brooks & Lisa Witter to develop the Catalyst Transformations brand and website. While still in beta, the website uses WordPress to promote the forthcoming...
by Gillian Owen | Sep 11, 2016
Website Development for DragonVale World DragonVale is a successful mobile game from Backflip Studios here in Boulder, Colorado. The game allows users to collect dragons, play mini-games, visit with friends and participate in regular events. DragonVale World is a new...
by Gillian Owen | Aug 21, 2016
Redesign Website for SyBazz architecture Before After Small Business Websites with WordPress l Easy To Update Previously the client needed to go through their web developer to update text on their website. Now with the WordPress platform and the Divi theme, the client...